Solar Power

. kW

is currently being produced
at Reethi Faru


fully powered by clean
tropical sunshine

.diesel of Diesel

prevented from being burned
every hour

.kmcar km car drive

equivalent of CO2 emissions
prevented i.e. .co2car kg CO2/hour

Clean Energy


produced at Reethi Faru
since we went solar, and that is:


of 100% solar powered
resort operation


or .ldiesel litres of diesel that
did not have to be burned


London-Maldives roundtrip worth of CO2 prevented (.co2 tonnes of CO2)

Solar PV System

1021.4 kWp

Reethi Faru
runs a renewable energy system

25 roofs

a rooftop solar system by Swimsol
is installed on suitable buildings

3602 panels

corrosion-proof, marine-grade photovoltaic panels

114 kWh battery

that could power a normal household
for 10 days

Reethi Faru
Provides a kilowatt hour (kWh) with: